Natalie Pizzichetta
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Natalie is usually the first person you will be acquainted with at HWLS. She has had a variety of roles previously within both the Public and Private sector. Her experience at the Austin Hospital includes co-ordinating and case managing as a Liaison Nurse for the General Surgery units, Endoscopy and the Orthopaedic department. Natalie was a member of the emergency department where she completed Post Graduate studies in Critical Care Nursing, as well as Health Promotion Officer and Practice Nurse of the Melbourne University Health Service. She has also been involved in development of management protocols and patient care pathways for patients undergoing weight loss surgery.
As well as being pivotal to managing the practice, Natalie is very involved with the overall management of weight loss surgery patients including initial pre-admission consultation, liaison with the rest of the team, theatre scheduling, initial post operative assessment and is a much appreciated support person. Natalie is central to the co-ordination of total patient care.